Purpose: SDM Magazine exists to provide an internet portal and a publication that is delivered electronically and in print. Our publication illustrates through photography, written word, visual arts, interactive media illustrations, and print layouts that focus on people of color, their lifestyles, culture and diversity. We endeavor to illuminate people of different backgrounds, and lifestyles promoting confidence through our models in print, ads, looking good, as well as representing themselves through photographic illustrations, imagery and layouts. Our ultimate goal is to break down the stereotypical mind sets surrounding fashion, which is on the catwalks, advertising ads, on television and in the media as a whole. We want to bring diversity to print ads, advertising in magazines and interactive media.
Our Business: SDM Magazine is a quarterly publication illuminating people of color, from different backgrounds in four (4) areas, including fashion, lifestyle, culture and music. We feel there is a need for our publication for people of color that focuses through photographic illustration on the unique aspects of their lives. In addition, we try to promote books and reading, healthy nutritional values, health care tips, and community organizations making a difference in their respective niches, as well as fashion, lifestyle, art and entertainment, culture, mobile publishing and written word designated to each subject matter. We also showcase “On Our Radar” which are short stories inclusive of people, places and things that we feel people should be more knowledgeable of whom they are and why they are of importance.
Our Values: Ultimately, SDM Magazine, through honesty, integrity, and diligence strives to produce a publication of the highest quality, through photographic imagery, illustrations, and written word while practicing the highest standards of excellence.
IG: @swaggadigitalmag
Twitter: @blackberryron
Press: https://swaggadigital.press
Print Issues: https://issuu.com/swaggadigitalmagazine